25 Oct
25 Oct
10 a.m.
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
I placed the pdf file of one unfinished chapter on www.ogbasel.ch/book.html http://www.ogbasel.ch/book.html (3.5 MB). Note that Fig. 3.12 happens to be the way I want it. Why this particular figure chose to behave I don't know, putting nothing after \placefigure[] and most options [left,right,inner etc.) don't make a difference.
Interesting looking document. :-)
indeed! btw, did you consider a chapter head that used the margin as well? i.e. - move the chapter number to the outer margin - make it much bigger, maybe dark gray (or red since you use red) - add a bit more space after the chapter header that way it stands out better how do you make the chemical pictures? Hans