Hullo, a few weeks (months?) ago there was a debate on this list about sprucing up the 'bib' module. I don't know what the policy about reviving old threads is, so I started a new one. The biggest problem I had (and still do) with the 'bib' module is that I cannot directly use the data I have stored as bibliography data in the on-page citations. In my "PF_UL" style I had to introduce a few new bibfields that basically repeating the same data again. E.g. to have a list of shortened names like "J. Smith, H. Potter and G. Gray" in the on-page citation, while keeping the full names at the end of the text in the bibliography like "Smith, John; Potter, Harry and Gray, Gandalf" I now have to write for each cited work another bibfield when I add its data: --[snip]-- \newbibfield[shortauthor] \startpublication[k=zdr_komentar, a=Becan, t=knjiga, y=2008, ] \title{Zakon o delovnih razmerjih s komentarjem} \kratko{ZDR s komentarjem} \author{Irena}[I.]{}{Bečan} \author{Nataša}[N.]{}{Belopavlovič} \author{Aleksej}[A.]{}{Cvetko} \author{Miran}[M.]{}{Kalčič} \author{Marta}[M.]{}{Klampfer} \author{Polonca}[P.]{}{Končar} \author{Etelka}[E.]{}{Korpič Horvat} \author{Barbara}[B.]{}{Kresal} \author{Katarina}[K.]{}{Kresal Šoltes} \author{Janez}[J.]{}{Novak} \author{Mitja}[M.]{}{Novak} \author{Tatjana}[T.]{}{Plešnik} \author{Darja}[D.]{}{Senčur Peček} \author{Zvone}[Z.]{}{Vodovnik} \shortauthor{I. Bečan, N. Belopavlovič, A. Cvetko, M. Kalčič, M. Klampfer, P. Končar, E. Korpič Horvat, B. Kresal in drugi} \revision{} \pubyear{2008} \pubname{GV Založba} \city{Ljubljana} \isbn{} \povzetek{} \stoppublication --[snap]-- It'd be _so_ much more elegant if \nocite and \getcitedata could use manipulate the data from the \author command to do the same. Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 www: http://matija.suklje.name xmpp: matija.suklje@gabbler.org