31 May
31 May
8:32 p.m.
Yury G. Kudryashov wrote:
I try the following:
\definereferenceformat[ineq][left=(,right=),text=Equation] \starttext \placeformula[first] \startformula 2=2 \stopformula In \in[first] ineq \ineq[first] in \in[first]. \stoptext
The result is: 2 = 2 (1) In 1 ineq (1) in (1).
It seems that \ineq doesn't clear some variables, and the next \in uses the previous format.
Please, apply the attached patch upstream. It fixed the problem for me. Another problem fixed by my patch: \definereferenceformat[ineq][text=equation] \starttext \placeformula[first] \startformula 1=1\stopformula \ineq[first] \stoptext printed "1", not "equation 1".