Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context schrieb am 04.08.2021 um 15:53:
Dear list,
I have the following sample:
\setupinteractionscreen[copies=5] \starttext \dorecurse{5}{\input zapf\par} \stoptext
The resulting file from current latest (2021.07.30 00:57) contains the following /ViewerPreferences dictionary:
/ViewerPreferences << /Duplex /Simplex /PickTrayByPDFSize true /PrintScaling /None
I’m afraid that "copies" isn’t generating the proper /NumCopies entry in the /ViewerPreferences dictionary.
Could anyone be so kind to confirm this?
A fix is needed in layo-ini.lmt, maybe not in the same way as below but the value has to be stored in canvas.copies. function layouts.setupcanvas(specification) [...] -- local copies = specification.copies if type(copies) == "number" and copies < 2 then canvas.copies = false + else + canvas.copies = copies end -- [...] end Wolfgang