On 07/01/2017 04:33 AM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
On 06/30/2017 09:33 AM, Henri Menke wrote:
Dear list,
motivated by a question on TeX.SX I wanted to typeset multicolumn text with multicolumn footnotes. However, on the first page the distance between the columns and the footnote area is way too large. Occurs in TL2017 and latest beta.
Also, is there something to influence the alignment inside the footnotes more aggressively. There are a couple of bad boxes. Is it possible to turn of balancing for the footnote columns? [...] \setupnotation [footnote] [alternative=hanging, align={raggedright,verytolerant}]
Hi Henri,
add width=broad to this.
That seems to make the alignment a little more relaxed (still not so nice in my opinion). At the same time the text now crashes into the footnotes on the second page (see attached). I also noticed that footnote 5 is displayed on the first page but the anchor is on the second page.
But in that case \setupnotes[spacebefore=3em] doesn’t work.
Just in case it helps,