22 May
22 May
4:07 p.m.
The above format is required for pdf files containing color for many American printers. I am looking for the minimal case. In the wiki there is an example: \setupbackend [format=PDF/X-1a:2001, intent=SWOP2006_Coated3v2.icc] Is this sufficient? Or must I also use this code: \setupinteraction [title=TITLE, subtitle=SUBTITLE, author=AUTHOR, keyword={{KEYWORD1, KEYWORD2}, KEYWORD3}] I don't see the relationship of this last example to non-interactive pdf X/1-a:2001 output for print. -- John Culleton Wexford Press Free list of books for self-publishers: http://wexfordpress.net/shortlist.html PDF e-book: "Create Book Covers with Scribus" available at http://www.booklocker.com/books/4055.html