On 24 Oct 2013, at 07:41, Pierre Bovet
Hi all!
It seems that Luatex (0.76 2013/04/05) don't works with Mavericks?
Thank's in advanced for your help and testimonies
Best wishes
I’m afraid you’re right! I installed Mavericks yesterday; trying to build the format, I get this: fonts > names > globbing path '/Library/Fonts/**.ttf' mtx-context | fatal error: no return code, message: luatex: execution interrupted It may be a new wacky font in /Library/Fonts. But so far, I have not been able to unset OSFONTDIR and make context ignore this directory. (Unlike some people in a recent discussion, my preference would be to NOT include any system fonts by default: it slows rebuilding the formats down, people who want it can achieve it, and it’s generally a bad idea). I’ll see if I can figure out how to do this and will report back, but for the time being, context cannot be used on Mavericks… Thomas