On 2013–05–07 Meer, H. van der wrote:
Perhaps a better and possibly more elegant way seems the following route. When I turn Metapost figures into external pdf-files, these can be placed with \useexternalfigure and the scaled as a whole, drawing and text alike. My question is: can this be done without resorting to an external pdf? That is, can I pick up the result of \useMPgraphic somewhere, then put this in \useexternalfigure and apply everything possible there to the figure.
You could use \scale : \startuseMPgraphic{foo} fill unitcircle scaled 1cm; label("Foo", origin); \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext \useMPgraphic{foo} \scale[width=3cm] {\useMPgraphic{foo}} \scale[width=3cm,height=5cm] {\useMPgraphic{foo}} \scale[scale=2500] {\useMPgraphic{foo}} \stoptext Marco