I have a little problem with coloring an area (path b).
Thanks for your help.

  path circle, p, q, b;
circle = fullcircle xscaled 6cm yscaled 3.5cm;
p = (point 2 of circle .. (-0.15cm,1.5cm) ..(0,0)..(0.15cm,-1.5cm).. point 6 of circle);
q = (subpath(0,2) of circle -- p -- subpath(6,8) of circle --cycle);
b = (p -- subpath(2,6) of circle -- cycle);

definecolor [ name = "mp:red", r = 1 ];
definecolor [ name = "mp:blue", r = 0.54, g = 0.17, b = 0.89 ];

fill q withcolor "mp:red" withtransparency(1,0.5) ;
fill b withcolor "mp:blue" withtransparency(1,0.5) ;
draw circle;
draw p;

label("$\overline{\text{A}}$",( 1.5cm,0)) withcolor "mp:red";
label("$\text{A}$",(-1.5cm,0)) withcolor "mp:blue";
