Bump On 07/29/2016 12:48 PM, Henri Menke wrote:
Dear list,
sometimes, one wants to place footnotes in a table which then appear right below the last row. Therefore ConTeXt ships the clever `\start...\stoplocalfootnotes` mechanism. Unfortunately, putting `\placelocalfootnotes` outside of the table breaks the centering of the table itself. For illustration please see the example below. How can I have my table centered while the footnotes are either left-aligned with respect to the left border of the table or left-aligned with respect to the page (whatever is easier)?
Cheers, Henri
\startplacetable [title={some table}] \startlocalfootnotes \startTABLE \NC Content\footnote{Footnote} \NC\NR \stopTABLE \placelocalfootnotes % commenting out unbreaks alignment \stoplocalfootnotes \stopplacetable