Hi, I don’t use TeXshop, but other editors also lack support for ConTeXt or have an outdated vocabulary for it (e.g. the Atom "context" plugin). It would make sense to use the interface files and write a script to create the lists needed for each editor. Probably I’ll try that for Atom, if I don’t switch to vscode (it’s supposed to be quite similar to Atom, and Hans wrote a setup for it)… Hraban
Am 2019-09-20 um 07:54 schrieb Otared Kavian
: Hi,
I did not know the post by Herb Schulz, but I do use TeXShop and ConTeXt on a Mac, although actually I have never used the command completion mechanism.
However I use extensively the autocompletion mechanism which is a way to key-in more rapidly some commands: for instance pressing alt-Cap-$ gives me \startformula
with the inserting point being between the two. The autompletion mechanism uses a file named autocompletion.plist which can be easily edited and adapted by the user (mine is adapted to the french keyboard layout AZERTY).
Indeed I can send you that file and also help fill in the command completion file in order to integrate ConTeXt commands.
Best regards: OK
On 19 Sep 2019, at 14:10, Rogers, Michael K
wrote: I was looking into command completion in TeXShop (MacOS) and came across this two-year-old call for help by one of the developers (I assume) for implementing it for ConTeXt:
As far as I found, command completion for ConTeXt has not yet been implemented. I’m pointing this out in case someone has sufficient knowledge of ConTeXt and is interested. Alternatively, perhaps it has been done, and someone can point me in the right direction.