Hullo, all. I've been trying for 3 months now to get my last 2 years' worth of journal entries satisfactorily typeset for printing on lulu.com http://lulu.com. This is my first major project using Context (with the Xetex engine—the current procedures required by Pdftex to set up and manage fonts are too intimidating for me (I {\em did} try it.)) as I'm no longer in school and had typeset the preceding year's worth of entries in Latex. I started to use (xe)Latex again this time but gave up in frustration with all of the predefined formatting, which I've moved away from as I've read more of Robert Bringhurst.
Anyway, I have a number of problems.
I apologize for putting them all into one message and for failing to find solutions elsewhere on the site. I've looked around a great deal, but am hampered in doing so by my limiting of my internet time with an {\sc ems} PowerCop (otherwise, I'd be on Wikipedia until they decided to lock me away). (I do my writing, editing, and typesetting on a little internet-crippled netbook with CrunchBang and Vim.)
I'll include my current preämble information at the end of this message in case it is useful in addressing any of my issues. If they're addressed elsewhere, I'd be thrilled with links. If they're not, I'd greatly appreciate any help.
I've found solutions to a number of previous problems, but here are all that I believe are in the way of my finishing this project:
1 How do I make bulleted lists not have lines between items in the list? \startitemize[packed]
2 Is it possible to push the bullets for bulleted lists into the margin (and then have the text of each item start at the same level of indentation as normal text)? Also, given my target printing medium, this would require alteration of the space between the bullet mark and its text—how do I alter this and the glyph used as the bullet mark? \startitemize[margin] 3 Is it possible to alter the way footnotes are displayed? I might want to have new footnotes follow previous ones with a 3-em space rather than starting a new line in the footer. And if I go that route, I'd need a way to pull the footer number in from the margin.
4 How can I adjust the formatting settings for the frontmatter (title page, table of contents) and backmatter (colophon, appendices, index). In general, I need to be able to set whether page numbers are used and what kind and positioning of the text on the page. In particular, how do I change the formatting for items in the table of contents (and what glyph/spacing go between the item's title and corresponding page number as well as how all of those elements are positioned)? Look for \setuplist[...] in the wiki and manuals. 5 How can I have either unnumbered sections, or subjects that appear in the table of contents? \setuphead[subject][incrementnumber=list] 6 Does Xetex or Context have a facility for positioning accents over letters when those particular combinations are not in the font? (Or should I just go ahead and do this manually in Fontforge?)
7 Is there a built-in equivalent of the \fancybreak function from Latex? I think I know now how to put something like it together manually but don't want go the amateur route if there's something more polished available. What is \fanybreak supposed to do? 8 Since this is just a journal, I have used simple emoticons (don't laugh!). I tweaked a vector smiley from Wikimedia to get a frowny and slashy, and they work well except for when they end up on the first (printed) text line of a page. I have one page that has a subject title on the grid but that is followed by a (logical) line with a smiley that ends up on its first printed line. This printed line and all of the rest of the text on the page (including another subject title) sit several points (approx) lower than where they should (so that the grid lines bisect the bowls of all the lower-case a's). There is another page that does not start with a subject title but directly with a printed line containing an emoticon, and it has exactly the same problem as the first page, with the text sitting just low enough that the grid lines bisect the bowls of the lower-case a's. Pages with emoticons on them do not exhibit this problem when the emoticon is not on the first printed line, and all lines remain correctly positioned on the grid. You can see below how I'm putting in the emoticons. You can write '\dontleavehmode\Frowny' or you include \dontleavehmode in
Am 27.04.10 00:44, schrieb Scott Steele: the defintion itself \def\Frowny{\dontleavehmode\externalfigure[frowny]} Wolfgang