morgan.brassel@free.fr wrote:
Ah, misunderstood. You want
Thank you, Taco! And may I ask the difference with the 'yes' option? Is it documented somewhere? I'm having a real hard time understanding all the mechanisms of indenting in ConTeXt...
The 'auto' indents the next paragraph, but only if it is a separate paragraph (empty line or \par command following the \stop.. command) Indenting is not much more complex than this: there is \indenting with its (pretty long) list of arguments, and then there are the indentnext=[yes|no|auto] option available after various block-creation commands. The indentnext key is relatively new, and is added for requests similar to yours, but at a smaller scale. Some layouts ask for indentation after itemizations but not after floats, sometimes there is a need for 'auto' for formulae but often you really want 'no', some styles indent after block quotations, others dont, etc. etc. Best wishes, Taco