Why the metapost not updated the value of text variables that are generated inside luacode environment? In the code below, If I have \startitemize[columns,two] then metapost draw: 1. \Bolha[size=6cm]{text1}{text2}{text3}, 2. and four \Bolha[size=4cm]{text1}{text2}{text3}, but text1, text2 and text3 is not updated in every call; If I omit the itemize environment or with \startitemize metapost only draw: 1. the first call of Bolha that is: \Bolha[size=6cm]{text1}{text2}{text3} 2. and four call of \Bolha[size=6cm]{text1}{text2}{text3} %% all new information is omited Jorge %%%%% code \def\Bolha[#1]#2#3#4% {\setupMPvariables[bolha][#1]% \setMPtext{labelcima}{#3}% \setMPtext{labelesquerda}{#2}% \setMPtext{labeldireita}{#4}% \useMPgraphic{bolha}} \startuniqueMPgraphic{bolha} path p, q, cima, esquerda, direita, vertical; pair A, B, C; p:=fullcircle scaled \MPvar{size}; A:= (point 4 of p); B:= (point 8 of p); C:= (point 6 of p); q:=A--B; vertical := .5[A,B]--C; cima := buildcycle(q, subpath(4,8) of reverse p); esquerda := buildcycle(subpath(4,6) of p, vertical, subpath(0,.5) of q); direita := buildcycle(subpath(6,8) of p, subpath(0,.5) of reverse q, vertical); draw p; draw q; draw vertical; label(textext( \MPstring{labelcima} ), center cima); label(textext( \MPstring{labelesquerda} ), center esquerda); label(textext( \MPstring{labeldireita} ), center direita); \stopuniqueMPgraphic \starttext \placefigure[center, nonumber]{}{ \Bolha[size=6cm]{$C_m$ (g/dm\high{3})}{mass (g)}{V\low{s} (dm\high{3})} } \startitemize[columns,two] %% try only \startitemize \startluacode flasks={20,25,50,100,200,250,500,1000} k=1 repeat Cm=math.random(1,10)/10 Vs=flasks[math.random(1,8)]/1000 mass=Cm*Vs --incognita=math.random(1,3) incognita=1 context.item() if incognita==1 then context("\\Bolha[size=4cm]{$C_m$}{%.2f g}{%.1f dm\\high{3}} mass=%.2f g", mass, Vs, mass) elseif incognita==2 then context("\\Bolha[size=5cm]{%.1f g/dm\\high{3}}{m}{%.1f dm\\high{3}} mass= hidde", Cm, Vs, mass) elseif incognita==3 then context("\\Bolha[size=5cm]{%.1f g/dm\\high{3}}{%.2f g}{V\\low{s}} mass=%.2f g", Cm ,mass, mass) end k=k+1 until k==5 \stopluacode \stopitemize \stoptext %%% stop code