On 08/03/2010 06:48 PM, Eythan Weg wrote:
Sometimes in June I was no longer able to compile context beta, running into a problem that persists with the new stable (7-30-2010). Hans suggested in response to a similar problem by someone else, to install minimals. But this seems to me wasteful because I use parts of latex.
Running (with luatex version beta-0.62.0-2010080309 (rev 3794))
mtxrun --generate
gives this:
MTXrun | resolvers: variable 'SELFAUTOLOC' set to '/usr/bin' MTXrun | resolvers: variable 'SELFAUTODIR' set to '/usr' MTXrun | resolvers: variable 'SELFAUTOPARENT' set to '.' MTXrun | resolvers: variable 'TEXMFCNF' set to '' MTXrun | resolvers: variable 'TEXMF' set to '' MTXrun | resolvers: variable 'TEXOS' set to '/usr' MTXrun | resolvers MTXrun | resolvers: warning: no lua configuration files found MTXrun | resolvers MTXrun | resolvers
Should I be able to compile the current context under texlive 2009? If so, how? If not, would it compile with the current version texlive 2010?
Almost. You need this file http://minimals.metatex.org/current/misc/web2c/texmfcnf.lua and it should go into <texlive>/texmf/web2c/ or somewhere else where it can be found (any location where texmf.cnf will be found) and then it should work, I think. But I cannot test this, so be warned that it may not work. Best wishes, Taco