25 Mar
25 Mar
2:28 p.m.
Hi everyone, Hi Mojca, I finally compiled gnuplot with support for the context terminal. It was really easy in the end, I should not have been afraid... I have two questions however (see example below): * Does the option 'solid' work with the context terminal? I still get dashed lines here... * ' and " quotes do not give the same result when UTF-8 character are involved. Is it wanted? Best regards, Morgan \enableregime[utf] \usemodule[gnuplot] \setupcolors[state=start] \setupGNUPLOT[options=color solid] \startGNUPLOTscript[sin] set ylabel "héllo" set xlabel 'héllo' plot sin(x), sin(2*x) \stopGNUPLOTscript \starttext \useGNUPLOTgraphic[sin] \stoptext