20 Aug
20 Aug
12:13 p.m.
I'm currently using TexLive 2021 from Gentoo Linux. TexLive 2022 may behave with slight differences. * How does /usr/share/texmf-local/web2c/texmfcnf.lua override /usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/texmfcnf.lua? According to mtxrun --configurations, /usr/share/texmf-dist comes later than /usr/share/texmf-local. It seems to me that texmf-dist should override texmf-local. * mtxrun --resolve-path '$SELFAUTOPARENT' resolves selfautoparent to '.' which is the current working directory if selfautodir is /usr. I think mtxrun refuses to accept '/' as selfautoparent and assigns the current working directory to selfautoparent. Is this a bug?