Hi Garulfo,
Le 16/06/2021 à 22:56, Garulfo a écrit :Hi all, Joaquín
I hope your are doing well.
To keep you informed of my progress on the French version of "a not so short introduction to ConTeXt", I am done for part I, and II, and I am starting with Part III...
I really appreciate Joaquín's Introduction, its structure, the sequence of steps. Thanks again for that.
The latest french pdf can be found here :
The GitHub directory is here :
I added some content :
- 6.7 : how to use fonts from the operating system
- 7.4.3.D : tweaks with sectionconversionset
- p.6 : kind of "visual Table of Content"
- 9.6 : attachements
I added some "features" :
- use of ~10 environnement files for typesetting configuration
- colors : to provide a somewhat attractive document
inspired by Hans Hagen "Typographic Programming"
- commands to typeset Demos (showing code and results side by side)
- some attachments to provide "ready to go .tex for beginners"
Some thoughs:
- to move "page break section" from Part I section 5.5
to something like Part III 11.x
- Once the translation finished, to simplify some explanations.
Thanks for the translation.
For now I went through 1/10 of the document and I have comments. To whom should I send them?
Personally for a introductory manual I would prefer the presentation of Joaquín with less colours and a little bigger type. The notes would be better at the bottom of the page, like in Joaquín document, because they are very long.
But the translation is really needed for ease of use for French speakers. Thanks again.