Am Montag, 18.08.03, um 13:31 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Alexander Klink:
\setupbackgrounds [header][text][frame=off, bottomframe=on] \setupbackgrounds [footer][text][frame=off, topframe=on] I was going to ask exactly the same question. Unluckily, what you did here does not work very well for me - the line is quite below the header text, I would really like to have it closer... \setupheader[after={\hairline}] does not work as the hairline is not below the text but starts at the left border... Maybe someone got another idea?
Try to decrease your header height, the header background box will follow and probably the line gets closer to the text. (\setuplayout[...]) BTW: Hairlines work on lowres output devices (600 dpi laser printer), but will disappear on an offset plate. Only as a hint if someone wants to get his/her books printed. Why? -- Hairlines are one pixel thick, and one pixel is invisible if your output device has got about 2450 dpi. Grüßlis vom Hraban! -- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/