On 29. Apr 2017, at 13:10, Pablo Rodriguez
wrote: I don‘t know why "α" isn’t the first in sorting, but it is clear that letters with different diacritical marks are considered as different letters for word sorting.
Could you confirm that the right word order is the second list in this message instead of the first one that ConTeXt generates by default?
No, I don't see why yours should be “right” and the order that is produced now should be “wrong.” It really depends on the purpose of your sorting. I don’t know who contributed the current code to sort-ini.lua, but it makes consistent choices and produces a possible order. It’s not the order you would prefer, granted. It’s not the order I would prefer, granted again. But what is the purpose of pushing so hard to have your favorite order included as default? You know what to do to have this order, and that’s all that’s important for you. Other users may have different priorities (witness the long list in sort-ini.lua: someone went to great lengths to define this order). So I still don’t see what you’re trying to accomplish. Thomas