Am 13.01.24 um 19:43 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
(LMTX, latest beta with self-compiled binary on OSX-intel.)
With my book, I run into an Lua error while placing a sidefloat. If I comment \externalfigure or replace the image with a different one, the error disappears.
I can’t reproduce it in a minimal example, so I guess it depends on the current surroundings.
Since it points to some font handling and the figure is a PDF containing fonts, I guess it might depend on the new handling of fonts in PDFs, but it doesn’t change regardless of \setupexternalfigures[compact=preset:merge] or other settings.
Here’s the image: https://yemaya.fiee.net/s/8TqwfcP7mLMmy9p (In a simple document it works.)
I found a workaround: I opened the file with Inkscape and converted everything in curves. The PDF is even smaller now, and it proves that the problem was with the fonts. Saving it in Acrobat Pro didn’t help. BTW the "compact" settings didn’t change anything for my big songbook (hundreds of note line PDFs with included fonts); I’m not sure about the code examples in my ConTeXt book. Hraban