Al 18/03/13 22:34, En/na Wolfgang Schuster ha escrit:
Am 18.03.2013 um 19:32 schrieb Xan
: Hi,
I found a possibly bug (I attached the doc). With bigskip twocolumns work but with \column it does not. That is, with the diff:
98c98 < \bigskip ---
%\bigskip 100c100 < %\column
it does not work: the last exercise is shown in the first column.
The default value to fill the column (\vskip\textheight) does only work when you start the columns at the top of the page but not when you start them in the middle of page. When this fixed value is replaced with \pagegoal it does also work in the middle of the page.
% \installcolumnbreakmethod \s!multicolumn \v!yes % {\vskip\textheight % \penalty-200 % we can mark and intercept this % \vskip-\textheight}
\unprotect \installcolumnbreakmethod \s!multicolumn \v!yes {\vskip .5\pagegoal \penalty-200 % we can mark and intercept this \vskip-.5\pagegoal} \protect
\startcolumns a \column b \stopcolumns
\startcolumns a \column b \stopcolumns
Wolfgang Can you modify it for working? By the user perspective it's an annoying bug. A clean command should not produce that, isn't it?