On 12 Nov 2018, at 15:39, Willi Egger
wrote: I downloaded the font and put all *afm and *.pfb files into ../texmf-fonts/data/public/aurical
Not sure about that path. Should that not be ../texmf-fonts/fonts/data/public/aurical ? Nevertheless, the most important missing ingredient is mtxrun --generate Since ‘mtxrun —script fonts —reload’ does not scan the disk of the standard folders, it just queries the file cache. So the right order is: unzip mtxrun —generate mtxrun —script fonts —reload That works for me. I just unzipped the CTAN download into my texmf-fonts, so I have hamster:texmf-fonts taco$ mtxrun LukasSvatbaSlant.afm /Users/taco/context/tex/texmf-fonts/fonts/afm/public/aurical/LukasSvatbaSlant.afm hamster:texmf-fonts taco$ mtxrun --script font --list --file --pattern=LukasSvatbaSlant.afm familyname weight style width variant fontname filename subfont fontweight lukassvatba normal italic normal normal lukassvatbaoblique LukasSvatbaSlant.afm conflict: oblique And it works: hamster:Downloads taco$ pdffonts HW.pdf name type encoding emb sub uni object ID ------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- --------- WIPANP+LMRoman12-Regular CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 10 0 SRZNPW+Lukas-Svatba CID Type 0C Identity-H yes yes yes 11 0 Best wishes, Taco