On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Peter Münster
On Thu, Apr 24 2008, Hans Hagen wrote:
- What is the meaning of each parameter of \definetypeface?
see mfonts.pdf
There are examples, but I didn't find an explanation of the parameters. If I understand right, theses are synonyms: rm <-> serif ss <-> sans tt <-> mono mm <-> math
I'm trying to reduce redundancy, and indeed this works very well:
\definetypeface [\typescriptone] [] [serif] []
(This works too: \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [XXX] [serif] [YYY] )
This did only work because you have only defined one typeface in your typescripts and the first defintion will be used as bodyfont, you could test it with a sans font. \starttypescipt [mytypeface] \definetypeface [mytypeface] [ss] [sans] [...] [default] \stoptypescript If you use this typescript as bodyfont a sans style would be used instead of roman.
In the end, I come up with the following typescript:
\starttypescript [urwgaramond] \setups[font:fallback:serif] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [Garamond-Regular] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [Garamond-Medium] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [Garamond-Italic] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [Garamond-MediumItalic] \definefontsynonym [Garamond-Regular] [file:GaramondNo8-Reg] \definefontsynonym [Garamond-Medium] [file:GaramondNo8-Med] \definefontsynonym [Garamond-Italic] [file:GaramondNo8-Ita] \definefontsynonym [Garamond-MediumItalic] [file:GaramondNo8-MedIta] \definetypeface [\typescriptone] [] [serif] [] \stoptypescript \usetypescript[urwgaramond] \setupbodyfont[urwgaramond]
Is this clean, or do you see any problems?
Why this odd defintion I see now why why you have to enclose all synonyms within a typescript environment. You will also loose the functionality to create a new font collcetion for your document with the serif garamond as serif typeface, palatino for math etc. Wolfgang