22 Jul
22 Jul
2:07 p.m.
Am 22.07.2011 um 15:56 schrieb Alexandre Leray:
Dear all,
I'm trying to enable protrusion on a text composed with a ttf font (tried otf converted from ttf as well) and using the simplefont module. We have tried different things but did not see any difference in the results.
Our context version is 2011.07.20 14:10
The full context code is visible here: http://dpaste.com/574351/
The relevant chunk is this:
% USING SIMPLEFONT: FAILS % %\usemodule[simplefonts][protrusion=quality,expansion=quality] %\setmainfont[umepmincho]
For all fonts: \setupsimplefonts[protrusion=...,expansion=…] For only one font: \set(main|sans|…)font[...][expansion=...,protrusion=...] Wolfgang