-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Dev-luatex] MKIV badly wrong on fonts?
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 22:33:28 +0100
From: Hans van der Meer
To: luatex development list
Installed contextbeta just a few hours ago.
Running it on the following code gives me (according to Adobe Reader)
the fonts TeXGyreSchola-Italic and -Regular:
Hello world, I'm {\it some} font!
However, using the code in my hvdm-cas module gives me LMMono and
LMSans, mirabile dictu!
\startcase[state=draft] % <<<<
Hello world, I'm {\it some} font!
\stopcase % <<<<
I am fairly sure in the module there are no font setups (see the
module in the accompanying zip). What it does, is putting things in
framed's within framed's and so. But that shouldn't influence the
typesetting of fonts!
Could it be that there is something terrible wrong here in context?
I might add that in the older context, I did not encounter this "loss
of font".