Marco wrote:
I was wandering if we should promote the ConTeXt IRC channel on the contextgarden home page,
The purpose of a link on the front page would be to point help-searchers at a useful resource --- if the resource is not yet useful, there's no point in the link, I think. After all, people who encounter an empty channel will simply turn around and leave it. But if there are people there, (perhaps not always but "usually at time X",) it's a good idea, I think. If your main intention is to increase the number of regulars, I think canvassing on this mailing list will be a more effective strategy. (Maybe organise a theme discussion once a month or so, and announce it here?) Troy wrote:
I'm certainly in #context regularly, although I agree that it does appear dead most of the time. I would like to see it as active as #latex.
Do you know how many people there are that lurk on there (from time to time)? Cheers, Sietse