Hi! I've got a few unfortunate line breaks in my documents. In particular, breaks are introduced in between the string “page” and the number: See figure 1 at page 2. The reason is that many strings in lang-txt.lua end in a space, rather than a non-break space: ["atpage"]={ ["labels"]={ … ["en"]="at page ", … I fixed this by defining \setuplabeltext [en] [atpage=at page\nbsp] So I wonder: Does it ever make sense to have a regular space at the end of those commands? I just skimmed through the file and most, if not all, strings ending in a space would actually benefit from having it replaced by a non-break space IMO. Example: \def\pageref#1%% {\in{figure}[#1] \labeltext{atpage}\at[#1]} \starttext \hsize 3cm See \pageref{foo}. \page \startplacefigure [reference=foo] \stopplacefigure \stoptext Marco