Here are the names of the test files that didn't build with the 2007.01.23 ConTeXt: ERROR [exit code 1] tex/context/base/core-mat.tex/test-001.tex ERROR [exit code 1] tex/context/base/unic-031.tex/test-001.tex ERROR [exit code 5] metapost/context/base/mp-text.mp/test-001.tex ERROR [exit code 5] tex/context/base/s-chi-00.tex/test-001.tex ERROR [exit code 5] tex/context/base/s-jap-00.tex/test-001.tex ERROR [exit code 5] tex/context/base/unic-003.tex/test-001.tex ERROR [exit code 5] tex/context/base/unic-037.tex/test-001.tex ERROR [exit code 6] tex/context/base/unic-002.tex/test-001.tex exit code 1 is texexec's normal failure code, usually from an undefined cseq. Exit code 5 is from the run-it.py wrapper, which is saying that time (60 sec) ran out, before the texexec process had to be killed. And exit code 6 says that the logfile grew too big (currently, beyond 1MB) before the texexec process had to be killed. If you don't find problems in the above files, let me know and I'll send you the logs or pieces thereof. -Sanjoy `A nation of slaves is always prepared to applaud the clemency of their master who, in the abuse of absolute power, does not proceed to the last extremes of injustice and oppression.' (Gibbon)