I cannot figure out the error in the following nested itemization with a reference. Is it a bug or am I overlooking something? Here is the smallest example I could make. Strangely, if I change the startproblemlist to startitemize and stopproblemlist to stopitemize, all is well. \defineitemgroup[problemlist] \starttext \startproblemlist \item Drag \startitemize \item[ref] blah \stopitemize \stopproblemlist \stoptext I'm using context 2008.01.28 21:28 (mkii), Debian GNU/Linux 'unstable' for i386, and the 2008.04.27 version on the Garden gives the same error. The error is ! Undefined control sequence. <write> ...realfolio }{\relax \@@opitemizesymbol1 \relax .?} <inserted text> }\endwrite \actualshipout ... \box \postponedcontent \box 0}} \else \message {[\ifarrang... \myshipout ... \fi {\thisisrealpage \realfolio #1} \gotonextrealpage \aftersh... \dofinaloutput ...agebody #1#2\setpagecounters }}} \fi \the \everyaftershipou... \finaloutput ...EAEAEA \dofinaloutput \fi \fi #1#2 \resetselectiepagina \incr... ... l.14 \stoptext -Sanjoy `Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters.' --African Proverb