Dear syndicate, Can Scite be configured for folding based on TeX keywords, or is that something that is hardwired in Scintilla/Scite? I would like to feed Scite all the \start-\stop's, {}, \bgroup-\egroup etc. I looked in the context properties files but did not find anything, and it's certainly not there by default Notepad++ (also scintilla-based) supports this through a nifty define-your-own-language dialog****, as well as global RTL (no interlinear bidi), but the developers are generally unresponsive to requests for help or guidance from end users (as opposed to serious programmers) so I am a bit hesitant about switching from WinEdt to Notepad++. Notepad++ also supports folding in TeX-mode for things like \chapter, \section (without ending tags; adopted from Visual TeX) but the dialog does not let me extend that for ConTeXt (\subject etc). Anyway, whatever you can tell me about Scite and folding would be a big help! Best Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/