On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Hans Hagen wrote:
Peter Münster wrote:
while playing around with starttables, footnotes and paragraphs in starttables, I found some problems. Here is the first one, I would like to get a paragraph in 2 columns:
\def\SomeText{\dorecurse{20}{hallo }} \starttext \starttables[s1|p(13em)|l|p(13em)|] \VL \SomeText \VL xxx \VL \SomeText \postponefootnotes\footnote{a footnote} \VL \AR \VL \SomeText \VL \TWO{Not ok, since too much distance to the line at the left.}\VL\AR \VL \SomeText \VL xxx \VL \SomeText \VL \AR \stoptables \stoptext
\def\SomeText{\dorecurse{2}{hallo }} \starttext \starttables[s1|p(13em)|l|p(13em)|] \VL \SomeText \VL xxx \VL \SomeText \postponefootnotes\footnote{a footnote} \VL \AR \VL \SomeText \VL \TWO\JustLeft{\vtop{\setupinterlinespace\hsize 14em Better, but I need to calculate the hsize, and there are other workarounds for correct vertical spacing. Furthermore, the footnote is lost.\strut \blank[small]}} \VL\AR \VL \SomeText \VL xxx \VL \SomeText \VL \AR \stoptables \stoptext
hm, strange table; anyhow, how about:
\postponefootnotes \bTABLE
Yes, \bTABLE is nice too. Unfortunately, I need multi-page tables, table head, table tail, vertical and horizontal lines at the same time. I believe, the only table environment is \starttables, is this correct? Besides, I get the following error with your code: ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <argument> \@@tblprefix \c!each \v!each
btw, tabulate is the most clever with paragraphs
Yes, but not multi-page... :( Greetings, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/