Hi, first, thank you very much for your help! Hans Hagen wrote:
Ulrich Dirr wrote:
I'm recently trying to get ConTeXt typesetting my books like with LaTeX before (or better). But I can't solve some problems ... Maybe someone can assist me?
o How do I get the chapter number into the heading? I've tried \setupheader[before=\viii,style=normal] \setupheadertexts[chapter] but this only puts the chapter title into the heading
\setupheadertexts[{\getmarking[chapternumber] -- \getmarking[chapter]}]
etc etc
o How can I get something similar to LaTeX? \fancyhead[C]{% {\sffamily\footnotesize \leftmark \pdef\next{\rightmark}% \ifx\next\empty\else\ \textbullet\ \rightmark\fi}% } which will put the chapter mark centered in the headings, and if there is a sectionmark then a bullet & sectionmark too.
something like: (setups are just a convenience)
\setupheadertexts [\setups{something}]
\startsetups something
That's great. Can I combine this setup with another one for left even & right odd numbered pages? E.g., ((PAGE 2)) <King> 1 The King <> ((PAGE 3)) <> 1 The King <Queen> So that I can combine, say \setupheadertexts[][\KHead Queen][\KHead King][] -- which actually are just two different ornaments -- with your definition above for 'something'?
o How can I typeset the chapter title across both columns in a two-column setup?
\startcolumns ... \stopcolumns
Sorry I got confused; I was too much influenced by the LaTeX multicol package where I have to say \begin{multicols}{2}[Spanning title] ...
o Is it possible to setup a project using only didot (or bp) point measurements? How? Especially I want a interline space in dd or bp which is flexible like \setupinterlinespace[line=1.25\bodyfontsize] but uses dd or bp.
\input ward
\setupinterlinespace[line=4.25\dimexpr(\bodyfontfactor dd)]
\input ward
My log file tells me bodyfont : bodyfont 6.6pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 6.6pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 4.7pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 4.7pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 7.6pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 7.6pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 5.7pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 5.7pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 11.3pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 11.3pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 9.5pt is defined (can better be done global) bodyfont : bodyfont 9.5pt is defined (can better be done global) Given my definitions for HelveticaNeue -- and assuming they are alright -- where do I setup sizes, and especially in didot or big points?
o I've tried to setup the typographical correct quotation marks for german in the file cont-sys.tex \setuplanguage [de] [leftquote=\rightsubguillemot, leftquotation=\rightguillemot, rightquote=\leftsubguillemot, rightquotation=\leftguillemot] When using it, e.g., \quotation{all right \quote{there} we go} and using \showstruts I got marks at strange places |»all right |›there|‹ we go|« Should this be corrected somewhere?
dunny, can you make a small test file (so that other german users can test along?)
Here: \setupoutput [pdftex] \input pdftexconfig \enableregime[il1] \mainlanguage[de] \starttext \showstruts {\em Mühsal der Besten} »Woran arbeiten Sie?« wurde Herr K. gefragt. Herr K. antwortete: »Ich habe viel Mühe, ich bereite meinen nächsten Irrtum vor.« (B. Brecht) ›Aber Hallo!‹ \quotation{all right \quote{there} we go} \stoptext
o How do I get character protruding and font expansion? (I didn't find the latter in the manual) [...] so, associate a handling (see hand-* files) with a font (before it's used! else pdftex does ignore it)
but ... be prepared ... context is set up for the latest pdftex and there are some bugs in hz an desp when used with protruding (thanh is working on them and the previous code is used for testing)
you need a recent context in order to get the auto expansion done
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-rc4-2.1 ConTeXt ver: 2004.8.15 fmt: 2004.9.8 (BTW I've already produced all expanded version with fontinst) But this really produces super ugly results! The expanded fonts are in the pdf but the line breaking is horrible. Probably I need at least rc7 or the standalone version of fptex of Sept, 9th?
o Does there exist some support for RCS? In LaTeX I've used \RequirePackage[nofancy]{rcsinfo} and then I put in the page area of the crop marks: on top 'Art \& Satz \raise.5pt\hbox{\textbullet} Ulrich Dirr\hfill Seite »\thepage« \the\count1\ von \numpages' and on bottom <project specific info>\hfill \rcsInfoFile\ Rev.\rcsInfoRevision\hfill \the\day.\the\month.\the\year\ \printtime How can I put these information on the page? Should I use something you called 'Logo types' in the manual or something like layers?
if you can give me specs (and an example) of what you need .. probably trivial to write
(there is some info mechanism where i then can hook it into)
Ok, I'll prepare an extra email.
o In lang-ger.tex you defined "ck with \discretionary{k-}{k}{ck}. But on the other hand dehyphn.tex is used which is the new german hyphenation table. Then 'ck' will no longer be hyphenated like k-k. Or am I missing something?
hm, do you mean that i must omit teh "ck definition for de ?
If ConTeXt is using the new german spelling & hyphenation rules then: *§108* If ss stands for ß, then it will be hyphenated s-s. E.g., Grüs-se (instead of Grü-ße), heis-sen (instead of hei-ßen). *§109* The connection of consonants ch, ck, and sch, and also in foreign words with ph, rh, sh, and th will not be hyphenated in between if they stands for a single sound. E.g., Bü-cher, Zu-cker, ba-cken, Fla-sche, Ma-che-te, Pro-phet, Myr-rhe, Ca-shew-nuss, ka-tho-lisch. Best regards, Ulrich