bildpage=35 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=35 << bildpage=35 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=35 <<
bildpage=35 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=35 << bildpage=36 eo=e currentreferencerealpage=36 <<
Hi, right now I use \currentreferencerealpage to detect if I'm on an even or odd page (because my picture placement rules depend on it) like this: \newcount\bildpage \bildpage=1 % ... \def\bild#1...{% {\global\bildpage=\realpageno}% \ifodd\bildpage \def\eo{o}\else \def\eo{e}\fi % ... \if o\eo odd...\else even...\fi \message{>> bildpage=\the\bildpage \space eo=\eo \space currentreferencerealpage=\currentreferencerealpage \space << }% } but now I notice that for some pages/pictures the value of \currentreferencerealpage is not correct (only for the first picture on a new page?):-( I'm writing some ">> ... <<" data to the log file: pages > flushing realpage 34, userpage 34 pages > flushing realpage 35, userpage 35 pages > flushing realpage 36, userpage 36
bildpage=37 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=0 << bildpage=37 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=0 << bildpage=37 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=0 <<
bildpage=11 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=11 << bildpage=12 eo=e currentreferencerealpage=12 <<
bildpage=15 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=15 << bildpage=15 eo=o currentreferencerealpage=15 << bildpage=16 eo=e currentreferencerealpage=16 <<
typically after that "flushing realpage XX, userpage XX" messages (not from me;) the currentreferencerealpage is set to the new page number. but NOT for page 36: here after "flushing realpage 35" it's still currentreferencerealpage=35 for the first picture on this page:-( any idea how this can go wrong ? what can I test, which debug info can I provide ? is there a possible the attached zip file contains a "minimal" example with only 2 pages and 4 images: on the 2nd page (#36) the first image should bleed to the left like all other pictures... so far this seems to happen 3 times according to the log file: pages > flushing realpage 10, userpage 10 pages > flushing realpage 11, userpage 11 pages > flushing realpage 14, userpage 14 pages > flushing realpage 15, userpage 15 thanks for any help, Harald -- "I hope to die ___ _____ before I *have* to use Microsoft Word.", 0--,| /OOOOOOO\ Donald E. Knuth, 02-Oct-2001 in Tuebingen. <_/ / /OOOOOOOOOOO\ \ \/OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\ \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO|// \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Harald Koenig // / \\ \ koenig@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de ^^^^^ ^^^^^