All, I updated to Gerben's latest context and now files that formally compiled will not. Here's one error: The code: Let's look at another example. \startexample[exam:relT] Consider the relation $T$ defined by \placeformula[eq:rel2] \startformula T=\big\{(1,2), (3,2), (4,5)\big\}. \stopformula What is the domain and range of this relation? The result: ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \doattributes ...name #1#2\@EA \endcsname \fi {#4} \dostopattributes \special@@descriptionhandler ...t #2\endstrut }}}} \doifsomething {\descripti... \@@dostartdescription ...gnorespaces #3\endstrut } }\assignwidth \!! widtha {\... \@@descriptionserriedbroad ...\def \\{\crlf }}{#2} \noindent \ignorespaces \i... \dodogotopar ...description {example}[exam:relT]{} \BeforePar \emptytoks <to be read again> C l.100 C onsider the relation $T$ defined by ? Example is defined by: \defineenumeration [example] [location=serried, width=broad, text={\color[heavygreen]\bgroup\bold{Example}}, stopper={.\egroup}, style=slanted, inbetween=\blank, after=\blank] I need help!