Dear all, I tried to reproduce the example of mkiv-publications.pdf, chapter 10 through: \definebtxdataset[document] \usebtxdataset[document][test.bib] \definebtxrendering[document] \setupbtxrendering[document][numbering=yes] \starttext \starttext As \cite[batty] already indicated, bibtex is a \LATEX||centric program. \completebtxrendering[document] \stoptext with test.bib as @article{batty, author = 'M. Batty', title = 'The size, scale, and shape of cities', journal = 'Science', volume = '319', number = '5864', pages = '769--771', year = '2008' } Unfortunately, the result is two pages, one with As [num:batty] already indicated, bibtex is a L A TEX--centric program. and the other with a large 1. Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? My apologies if it is really obvious...