Hello Steffen,
I have re-read the mailings in the archive concerning proper hyphenation and I saw that it is a known problem to have hyphenation in words containing cedilla, accent or umlaut.
As it is solved in LaTeX with the [T1]{fontenc} package some people wrote that in ConTeXt the equivalent should be:
\setupencoding[default=ec] not quite. This does not really do anything, except storing the defaultencoding. (see enco-ini.tex)
But that's not true (at least for german Umlaute).
try this: (you need to setup your regime again) \mainlanguage[de] \enableregime[il1] \showhyphens{Bohrtürme} % 1 \setupencoding[default=ec] \usetypescript [all][computer-modern][\defaultencoding] \starttext \showhyphens{Bohrtürme} %2 \switchtobodyfont[cmr] %3 \showhyphens{Bohrtürme} %4 \showhyphens{alter} \showhyphens{früher} \stoptext %1 is not surprising: /cmr10/Bohrt^^?urme. Awful. %2 is slightly surprising (/ecrm1000/Bohrt^^?urme), because one would not expect to have to reload cmr again and it looks as if ecrm is loaded. But when you start using text here, no font switch takes place. %3 is the necessary step to enable ec font. %4 is what you want: /ecrm1000/Bohr-tür-me. But don't ask me why %2 displays what it does. I expected something like /cmr10/Bohrt^^?urme. Patrick -- Silent is the goldfish in its bowl