Am 10.06.24 um 10:58 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
local namespace = tokens.getters.macro("??measure")
function tex.getmeasure(name,asdimen) local value = tex.getdimensionvalue(namespace..name) if asdimen then return value .. "sp" else return value end
So I needed just tex.getdimensionvalue(namespace..name)
Not to be misunderstood, I couldn’t check yet, maybe I wasn’t clear:
I need to process the measure as a dimension, like \measured{Bleed}.
As far as I tried, neither tex.measured nor context.measured worked (but I wouldn’t swear on it, maybe I had a different error).
I understand now that a dimension in Lua is just a string. I also messed a few thing up when I converted my macros from measure-macros to measures. Now my image calculations work again. Phew! Thank you, Hraban