12 Feb
12 Feb
8:04 a.m.
On 02/12/2012 03:16 AM, Pablo RodrÃguez wrote:
Hi there,
I would like to typeset a classical Greek text that contains a Greek-English dictionary and other explanations in English with Greek passages.
In order to get proper hyphenation, I should define English as main language and tag all Greek in the text. This is a lot of work.
The whole thing would be to apply command \agr when range={greekandcoptic,greekextended}.
How could I do that?
Thanks for your help,
When you go to archive.contextgarden.net and type "Greek hyphenation" into the search box, this is the first hit (after your own message): http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20101221.180435.8bcae05e.en.html Thomas