I know I saw the answer to my question on the list couple of weeks back, but I seem to have lost it and search in the mailing list archives on the word "purge" gives very odd answers... The "Texutil explained" says on page 2 "texutil purge Afterwards, TEXutil reports the number of bytes regained. Optionally, you can pass a file pattern, thereby limiting the cleansing." As I'm a dummy, I don't seem to be able to put this in practice. I would like to get rid of the *.tuo files (and some others as well), so I tried texutil --purge *.tuo texutil --purge .tuo texutil --purge tuo but none of these have any effect whatsoever. So, how do I "pass a file pattern" so that texutil understands that I want to get rid of files called something.tuo? Greetings, Mari from snowy Finland