On 07.11.2011, at 15:51, Michael Guravage wrote:
At the recent ConTeXt workshop someone mentioned that they had achieved placing a pagenumber to the right of the first line of a multiline table of contents entry. Can anyone describe how to acomplish this?
Hi, something like this? \define[3]\ChapterList {\bTABLE[offset=0pt,rulethickness=0pt,strut=yes,frame=off,width=broad] \bTR \bTD[width=2em] \begstrut#1\endstrut \eTD \bTD \begstrut#2\endstrut \eTD \bTD[width=2em,align={left,high}] \begstrut#3\endstrut \eTD \eTR \eTABLE} \setuplist[chapter][alternative=command,command=\ChapterList] \starttext \showframe \placelist[chapter] \dorecurse{3}{\chapter{Some very long title. Some very long title. Some very long title. Some very long title. Some very long title. }} \stoptext Regards Andreas