On Sun, 06 Aug 2017 13:39:50 -0600, Pablo Rodriguez
On 08/06/2017 03:54 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
[...] Something along the lines of the following would be a sufficient (and easier) first step for the current project, although we may want to revisit the above for the future:
3 <par> % section 3.0.1 <par> % subsubsection
4 <par> % section 4.1 <par> % subsection 4.1.1 <par> % subsubsection
How can we automate this?
Hi Idris,
if you only need a printed version, I think the following approach might help:
\setuphead[section] [alternative=margintext, color=white, style=\tfxx, before=, after=, commandafter={\setupparagraphintro[first] [{{\bf \getmarking[sectionnumber][current] \hspace[big]}}]}]
\setuphead[subsection] [commandafter={\setupparagraphintro[first] [{{\bf \getmarking[subsectionnumber][current] \hspace[big]}}]}]
\setuphead[subsubsection] [commandafter={\setupparagraphintro[first] [{{\bf \getmarking[subsubsectionnumber][current] \hspace[big]}}]}]
\dorecurse{3}{\section{} \startpar\input ward\stoppar \startpar\input ward\stoppar \dorecurse{3}{\subsection{} \startpar\input ward\stoppar \startpar\input ward\stoppar \dorecurse{3}{\subsubsection{} \startpar\input ward\stoppar \startpar\input ward\stoppar \startpar\input ward\stoppar} \startpar\input ward\stoppar} \startpar\input ward\stoppar}
Thank you very much, Pablo. Here is a modified version: \setupwhitespace[big] \setuphead[section] [alternative=margintext, color=white, style=\tfxx, before=, after=, commandafter={\setupparagraphintro[first] [{{\bf \getmarking[sectionnumber][current] \hspace[big]}}]}] \setuphead[subsection] [commandafter={\setupparagraphintro[first] [{{\bf \getmarking[subsectionnumber][current] \hspace[big]}}]}] \setuphead[subsubsection] [commandafter={\setupparagraphintro[first] [{{\bf \getmarking[subsubsectionnumber][current] \hspace[big]}}]}] \starttext \starttitle[title=Paper] \dorecurse{2}{% \startsection \startpar\input ward\stoppar \startparagraph\input ward\stopparagraph \startsubsubsection{} \startpar\input ward\stoppar \stopsubsubsection \dorecurse{2}{% \startsubsection \startpar\input ward\stoppar \startparagraph\input ward\stopparagraph \dorecurse{2}{% \startsubsubsection{} \startpar\input ward\stoppar \startparagraph\input ward\stopparagraph \stopsubsubsection } \startparagraph{\bf level 2} \input ward\stopparagraph \stopsubsection } \startparagraph{\bf level 1} \input ward\stopparagraph \stopsection } \stoptitle \stoptext Challenges: 1. How can we get automatic indentation for all heads *except* the first one that occurs after the \starttitle? 2. Look at the output of the adjusted version above - attached. Note that a subsubsection after a section gives 1.1 2.1 which are the same as those given by a subsection after a section. How can we get a subsubsection after a section to produce the following? 1.0.1 2.0.1 etc. Thanks again, Pablo! -- Idris Samawi Hamid, Professor Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80512