Hello Hans, Today I saw a webpage of someone, who is very active in the field of translation and localisation of free software into Slovenian. It astonished me the way he numered the items on his webpage: (a) approximation ... (b) Gauss ... (c) numerical solutions ... (č) solving parabolic ... % [\ccaron] (d) ... This should actually be the only proper way to number items in Slovenian, but you can imagine that nobody is able to use that since the beginning of computer era. (Another example is the usage of quotation marks: most people use the American quotation marks instead of the German ones just because MS Word defaults to that.) However, those people who really care, use the Slovenian alphabet when enumerating (manually, of course). I'm proud, for example, that I was in the class "1.Č" in the high school. Not right away, but any time in the future when unicode, fonts and similar will be updated/reimplemented/fully supported and when it will be raining cats and dogs and nothing interesting will be on TV: can you think on this this tiny request to switch to local enumeration if \mainlanguage[sl] (or any other language with a similar request) is selected? In a similar way as the sorting rules are applied in this kind of documents. (I'll take the response for "backward compatibility" issues (documents that now use enumeration a, b, c, d would use another enumeration afterwards) - if anyone would complain, he would have to talk to me first!!!) I don't know if there is any special agreement in case there are more than 26 items in the list, but sometimes a, b, ... x, y, z, aa, ab, ac, ... zz, aaa, aab, aac, ... is used. I never needed that many items until now, but the issue could theoretically be interesting for the others. Trying to use more than 26 items results in an arror at the moment. Thanks, Mojca