On Jan 12, 2007, at 10:08 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Alan Bowen wrote:
On Jan 12, 2007, at 9:52 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Alan Bowen wrote:
Processing a file that used to typeset successfully now gets the error message:
! Undefined control sequence. \initializenextposition ...dosetpositionpapersize
{\printpaperwidth } {\print...
\setposition ...ing \else \initializenextposition \def \currentposition {#1}...
\dopositionmarginbox ...argin :\currentmarginpos } \ifcase \marginrepositionm...
\dodoinmargin ...ftmarginblock \fi ]\next {#3}{#6}
\rawpagereference \s!mar {...
\do@@description ... \copy \fi \@@descriptionbox } \@@dodescription \dodogotopar ...ceto \fi }{\footnotereferenceto }} \BeforePar \emptytoks ....
Is there a fix for this?
the end of spec-mis.tex should look like this
\protect \endinput
(i will check the upload for it later)
Thanks, Hans�
the spec-mis.tex I have ends with
\def\dosetpositionplus#1#2#3#4#5% {\pdfsavepos \dolazysavepositionplus {#1}% {\noexpand\realfolio}% {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastxpos\scaledpoint\relax}% {\noexpand\the\dimexpr\pdflastypos\scaledpoint\relax}% {#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}
\protect \endinput
I tried changing the end of spec-mis.tex as you suggest, but processing still fails with the same error message.
did you remake the format?
Nope—and that’s why it didn’t work. (Sigh) All is well now that I have. Many thanks for your help! Alan