Am 19.03.24 um 23:42 schrieb Willi Egger:
Generally I know for what binding correction is used, I just never tried to set it up. If I look carefully at one of our printed booklets, the printshop also didn’t. So I'd need pageshift without applying imposition (setting it up wouldn’t hurt). I organise this always with correction to the backspace. For every single page?
Theoretically the shift value should be the same as the paper thickness (don’t you think?), but there’s some deformation involved, so a factor might make sense? I think that this would be quite cumbersome, paper thickness of higly coated papers vs. novel-printing paper… I believe one would have to establish this thickness for each project unless the same paper is used...
No, I meant, I'd use the actual paper thickness as a parameter, so that paper shift could be calculated automatically with a geometrical factor according to the imposition schema. Don't you think that makes more sense than setting it for single pages? But while this is an interesting topic, it's one of these overly involved niche features in ConTeXt… I didn't care too much myself, and laypeople don't see it anyway.
Unfortunately I threw out my old books on printing technology long ago, and my newer one doesn’t cover bookbinding (I’m not at home anyway). I think, that many printshops do not possess neither old books including bookbinding nor do they care about the wishes of the binder … Pity, that you threw them out, but i understand, that circumstances might be such that you have to take decisions…
When we left Switzerland in 2012 for Freiburg (and then again Freiburg in 2013 for Kyrgyzstan), we had to drop ballast, and I still had too many books (if you can have too many books at all…). I had a lot on art techniques like calligraphy that I never used, and my printing technology stuff was outdated – well… The antiquarian gave me 30€ for a big pile of formerly expensive books, and he probably was generous. Since then I gained a publishing house and had to move three times, my moving helpers were not amused about that many book boxes. (The last move was into the 3rd story, or is this 4th?, of an old house with very high stories; if visitors arrive panting at my door, I tell them they can sign the summit register now…) Hraban