On 7/31/21 3:27 PM, Jeroen via ntg-context wrote:
Is there an easy way to write a Context document and also code simpleslides in the same document so that the simpleslides are automatically added to the document as for example an appendix? Ie one tex document with Context code, perhaps with some \input and something like a two-pass job. Hi Jeroen,
not sure this might help you (I’m not sure you intend a single source file, in addition to a single PDF document), but here you have: \startbuffer[slides] \setuppapersize[CD] \setupbodyfont[60pt] \starttext \dorecurse{25} {\startmakeup[standard][pagestate=start, style={\ss\bf}, align=center] Slide \pagenumber \stopmakeup} \stoptext \stopbuffer \savebuffer[list=slides, file=\jobname_slides.tex, prefix=no] \starttext \startbodymatter \dorecurse{25}{\input zapf\par} \typesetfile[\jobname_slides.tex][--purgeall][object=no, width=0pt] \stopbodymatter \startappendices \getfiguredimensions[\jobname_slides.pdf] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages} {\startTEXpage \externalfigure[\jobname_slides.pdf][page=\recurselevel] \stopTEXpage} \stopappendices \stoptext BTW, I cannot get simpleslides working with LMTX.
I was thinking if the simpleslides could be saved as a number of png images and then with the recurse add them to the document with placefigure. \externalfigure is your friend here and there is no need to convert the slides to PNG (see above).
Just in case it may help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk