Hello, all Why is a problem with character # inside TABLE?? \type{#XXX} is without problem but inside TABLE is a problem with compilation It works: \bTABLE \bTR \bTD \type{\#patt}\eTD \eTR \eTABLE Isnt works: \bTABLE \bTR \bTD \type{#patt}\eTD \eTR \eTABLE Is there solving the problem?? Jaroslav Dne 24.8.2010 16:15, Wolfgang Schuster napsal(a):
Am 24.08.10 15:53, schrieb Jaroslav Hajtmar:
Hello all...
I am converting any manual from HTML to ConTeXt. There are a lot of programm code. and in the code is very often % character. Ther is no problem in \startyping - \stoptyping environment, but I need using this in text ... for example
The sequence \type{%0} stands for the whole match. The sequence \type{%%} stands for a single~\type{%}. or For instance, the call \type{string.format('%q', 'a string with "quotes" and \n new line')} will produce the string: ... etc..
It is clear that this can not work, but is there any satisfactory solution?? Something like \startypingintext ... \stoptypingintext i.e. intext typing environment..
What prevents you from testting this yourself, \type{%} produce a '%' in the text.
2. in html code is often emphasis found inside the program code for example: <code>\<em>ddd</em></code>,
Maybe it's a dumb question, but may be inside emphasis inside verbatim (\startyping - \stoptyping) environment??
Yes, it's possible to use style commands in verbatim mode but the mechanism in MkII and MkIV are different and it's important to know which system you use.