Am 29.08.2008 um 11:18 schrieb Peter Rolf:
Steffen Wolfrum schrieb:
sorry for my foggy post last night (02:50h ...)
Hopefully this example makes it clearer: --
\starttext \showframe
\definehead[EbeneFuenf] [subsubsubsection] \setupsection[section-6][conversion=characters,previousnumber=yes] \def\FuenfCommand#1{#1.}
\def\CurrentEbeneFuenfNumber#1#2% {\hbox to \hsize\bgroup% \tbox{\midaligned \framed[offset=-0.5pt,frame=on,align=middle,width=0.85\textwidth] {{\FuenfCommand{\convertnumber{characters} {\countervalue{@@sesection-6}}}}{\kern0.75em}#2}}%
\setuphead[EbeneFuenf][command=\CurrentEbeneFuenfNumber]% using this command moves the line 2mm down?!
% insert here \showboxes % see differences between \tbox and \hbox
-- I wanted to define a command with a fixed width in order to determine a maximum width for a section. But using this command (i.e. the "framed") also moves the section down about 2mm!
How can this be avoided?
have you tried my solution?
yes, thank you, it just didn't work as expected: there still was a small vertical skip. this (provided by Wolfgang) is what i wanted to achieve: \def\CurrentEbeneFuenfNumber#1#2% {\midaligned{\inframed[width=.85\textwidth,align=middle] {#1\kern0.75em#2}}} thanks again for your efforts, steffen