On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
On Dec 21, 2007 9:17 PM, Aditya Mahajan
wrote: Create $HOME/texmf. Download justtex.zip, and cont-tmf.zip, cont-fnt.zip from pragma's website, and unzip them inside $HOME/texmf. Download the font files from TeX Gyre and unzip then in $HOME/texmf.
Do I need to set the TEXMFHOME environment variable?
I had to set TEXMFCNF to /usr/share/texmf/web2c, and LUAINPUTS to $HOME/texmf/context/base and $HOME/texmf/scripts/context/lua/
Also: will downloading linuxtex.zip to the same place give me up-to-date luatex, or will it just mess up my installation?
I did not try the binaries from linuxtex.zip.
Remake the formats, move the stubs and few programs to the path, and you are done.
Is there a command to remake the pdftex and xetex formats together?
Rather than moving programs, might it be easier to add ~/texmf/<whatever>/bin to the PATH?
I was talking about scripts in texmf/scripts/context/stubs (texmfstart.rb, texexec.rb, etc.)
The only drawback of this is that you have to update manually. ctxtools --updatecontext unzip the file in TEXMFLOCAL, and not TEXMFHOME, so it does not work with this setup.
Hmm... will the rsync update work, or do I need to download the zips?
In principle, rsync should work. I did not try that. Aditya