On Jan 19, 2006, at 18:00, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
(2) Second question. Is there a mechanism whereby one can force the float to at least the next page when there is no room for it below the current point on the page?
There is:
\startpostponing <stuff with postponed floats> \stoppostponing
I believe it is mentioned in a manual somewhere, but don't recall off-hand which one. However, I'm not confident that that mechanism does precisey what you want, and it is definately not automatic.
It seems to do what I wanted. Putting small figures in the margin on the next page from where the call is made. I seem to remember some mentioning of remaining space on the page in "ConTeXt-fashion" but cannot find it again. Or can I just rely on TeX's \pagetotal? I tried something as: \scratchdimen=\textheight \advance\scratchdimen by -\pagetotal \ifdim\scratchdimen<#1\relax ....... Is it an option to enrich \startpostponing to \startpostponing [need=distance]? ( reprogramming \setvalue{\e!start\v!postponing} is it? asks a bit too much of my inner-ConTeXt skills) I tried something on the following lines, but got stuck with a remaining \stoppostponing when there appears to enough space. Defining \stoppostponing to \empty seems not to work. \def\startpostponingwhen[#1]{% \scratchdimen=\textheight \advance\scratchdimen by -\pagetotal \ifdim\scratchdimen<#1\relax \let\dostoppostponingwhen=\stoppostponing \expandafter\startpostponing \fi} yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer